Martin Marks: Tractatus Twitter Philisophicus
A Brief Working Theory as to the Socio-Semiotic Lexicographic Post-Structuralist Aesthetic Paleographic Mechanisms of Twitter, after Wittgenstein. #Glee
1 Twitter is everything that is the case.
1.1 Twitter consists of tweets, which are general statuses of states of affairs.
1.2 The general status of everything is is that is the case.
1.21 The general status of everything is not was or will be; there is limited past and no future to a tweet.
1.3 The status is the totality of the tweets.
1.4 The status is determined by the tweets, and by these being all of the tweets, though there are a few more coming through right now.
1.41 Would everyone please stop tweeting for a moment; I know that Glee is on, but I’m trying to have a rational thought here.